You can book hotel in Sharjah to confirm a place in a serviced hotel apartment. A serviced hotel apartment has more attributes when compared to a traditional hotel. It is more cost-effective to stay in the apartment. Also, the rooms are spacious in the serviced apartments. There are some interesting ways in which you can make such an apartment feel like home. You can do a little bit of transformation to enrich the atmosphere of the apartment. But, how are you going to do it? You can consider a bunch of tips discussed clearly in this blog.
Decorate The Space With Sentimental Items
You can adorn the interiors of a serviced hotel apartment with things close to your heart. It can be a framed photo with your family or friends. It can be a gift from a lover. Such things fill the atmosphere with positive energy, and it becomes genuinely homelier.
Don’t Hesitate To Unpack Your Things
There is no need to hesitate when you unpack the boxes at a serviced apartment. Perform the task as if you are at your home. There is enough space in a serviced hotel apartment to accommodate things you bring. Feel free to unpack even if you have a plan to stay in the apartment for a short period.
You Can Invite Guests
There is no obligation not to invite guests and friends to your serviced apartment. So, there is no reason to miss the opportunity! You can invite close friends and acquaintances to your place to make it feel like home. You would certainly enjoy each moment staying in the well-equipped serviced apartment.
Stay With Pets
You can consider staying in the serviced apartment with a pet animal, like a cat or dog. You will get good company. Also, it will definitely make the atmosphere in the rooms homelier. If you plan to work from the apartment, the presence of a pet animal would fill the environment with positive energy, and you would feel happy about it.
Cook Meals More Frequently
It is exciting to cook meals like you do at your home. It will transform the vibes of the serviced hotel apartment in which you are staying. The aroma of home-cooked meals magically alters the heavy atmosphere of a new, unknown place into a homely area. You would be satisfied with the outcome.
Search for a Reliable Serviced Apartment
You can confidently consider the serviced apartments of Emirates Stars Hotels if you are looking for an accommodation in the UAE. Each serviced hotel apartment is well-equipped, oozes luxury, and incredibly suited to cater to your specific needs during your period of stay.
Football fan, traveler, record lover, Vignelli fan and AIGA member. Doing at the junction of beauty and elegance to save the world from bad design. I work with Fortune 500 companies and startups.